Saturday, January 27, 2007

Working hard....

So, I've been working hard during the first month of the year, and it wasn't on film related stuff!!!! I offered my 3D modeling services to my friend Chris, since the company he works for had him needing to model a low poly version of the Forbidden City in China. If Chris had to do this all by himself, on top of his other duties at work, low poly would have meant boxes trying to fake being buildings. While my model was almost exactly boxes trying to be buildings, there was enough shape to actually fake it more than what Chris would have been able to do (in the time alloted), and he's told me as such. So, this not only gave me an in to this company (his boss loved the model), it also saw me getting a paycheck for 3D for the first time in almost 8 years. It was fun modeling again, and I'm looking forward to doing another project for these guys.

Here's a render of the model, with no textures...

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